Another jacket engineered to overcome the outdoors. For the colder months this a real necessity. This windbreaker is the perfect running partner for slightly harsher conditions. Rain, wind, cold? Bring them on. Enjoy your run no matter the conditions.
With its stretch woven fabric to aid mobility, running feels flawless. Featuring reflective detailing to the back, visibility and safety is increased.
- 彈性機織面料,動作靈活自如
- 胸前飾有反光 MP 品牌標誌
- 後背下擺反光細節,提高可見度
- 拉鍊口袋,安全收納物品
- 防水面料處理
- Clothing
- MP
MP Men's Windbreaker - Navy
MP Windbreaker
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Another jacket engineered to overcome the outdoors. For the colder months this a real necessity. This windbreaker is the perfect running partner for slightly harsher conditions. Rain, wind, cold? Bring them on. Enjoy your run no matter the conditions.
With its stretch woven fabric to aid mobility, running feels flawless. Featuring reflective detailing to the back, visibility and safety is increased.
- 彈性機織面料,動作靈活自如
- 胸前飾有反光 MP 品牌標誌
- 後背下擺反光細節,提高可見度
- 拉鍊口袋,安全收納物品
- 防水面料處理
- Clothing
- MP