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【櫻花季快閃優惠】全站 47 折!距離活動結束倒數
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Informed Sport

The Informed-Sport range has been designed to offer a range of approved products for athletes and professional sports teams. The programme certifies that all nutritional supplements and ingredients that bear the Informed-Sport logo have been batch tested for any banned substances by Sport Science, a world class sports anti-doping laboratory

Our Informed-Sport range offers 100% peace of mind for any athletes looking to use high-quality sports nutrition products to boost their performance

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Muscle & Recovery

Our Muscle and Recovery products are designed to improve recovery and support strength gains. From high quality protein to more advanced all-in-one formulas, this range covers everything you need to help you get the very best results from your training efforts.

This range is perfect for those looking to replace nutrients lost from intense exercise, whilst improving their body's ability to repair and recover.

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Energy & Focus

The Energy and Focus range is ideal for athletes looking to increase energy levels before and during exercise. The range consists of convenient products carefully constructed with high impact energy sources, perfect for fuelling intense workouts.

This range may also aid recovery after training and races, ensuring that you're fully energized for the next session.

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Health & Wellbeing

The Health and Wellbeing range is perfect for those wanting to remain fit and healthy whilst partaking in regular exercise. The range consists of a variety of supplements that can be used to boost overall health and ensure your immune system is in top condition.

The range offers high quality supplements in various forms from tablets and capsules to all-in-one powders.

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Batch Tested Range

THE Whey 尖端乳清蛋白
The Diet™ 尖端減脂配方粉
THE Pre-Thermo 燃脂預鍛鍊粉
Impact 乳清蛋白粉
折扣前 $990.00
節省 $230.00
Impact 分離乳清蛋白粉
折扣前 $2,650.00
節省 $120.00
Impact EAA 必需胺基酸
折扣前 $3,000.00
節省 $1,110.00